
Average score 99 Reviews
Maxime Mouille noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Top, very good meal as usual (Original) Top, très bon repas comme d’habitude

2 months ago
Lucie VERLEYEN noted on Google

(Translated by Google) My husband had wanted to try this restaurant for a long time and we were not disappointed! A very friendly welcome and team. We ordered takeaway so we could taste everything as a family and it was a pure delight! Boys aged 10 and 13 have never eaten so many vegetables with pleasure! Great culinary discoveries, we will definitely order from you again! (Original) Cela faisait longtemps que mon mari voulait tester ce restaurant et nous n'avons pas été déçu ! Un accueil et une équipe très sympathique. Nous avons commandé en emporté pour pouvoir goûter de tout en famille et c'était un pur délice ! Les garçons de 10 et 13 ans n'ont jamais mangé autant de légumes avec plaisir ! De belles découvertes culinaires , c'est sûr nous commanderons à nouveau chez vous !

2 months ago
Frederique Toeuf noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It's a restaurant where everything is fresh and made on site, it's delicious (Original) C'est un restaurant où tout est frais et fait sur place, c'est délicieux

2 months ago
KEVIN NEEL noted on Google

2 months ago
Andrea Localzo noted on Google

2 months ago
marie bombecke noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A very very good Japanese! The dishes are delicious and served quite quickly (Original) Un tres très bon japonais! Les plats sont délicieux et servis assez rapidement

2 months ago
thomas bouin noted on Google


2 months ago
ambre giustetti noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect (Original) parfait

3 months ago
Florian Jehanno noted on Google

3 months ago
Remi Mamelin noted on Google

3 months ago

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